Bristol Registry Office Wedding Photographer
Pete and Turpin invited me to join them as their Bristol Registry Office wedding photographer, followed by capturing a series of pretty awesome mini parties around the city. I love being an LGBTQ wedding photographer, and this awesome wedding was packed full of rainbows, love and laughter. As a Bristol wedding photographer it was so much fun to spend some time in the city celebrating with such incredible people.
I joined the boys as they got ready together at home in Bristol with their beloved British Bulldog, Betsy. I may have mentioned this once or twice…I love dogs! Betsy is a big part of their life so it was important for me to capture them cuddling with her before heading off to get married, looking immaculate in their suits from Hugo Boss.

Bristol Registry Office Wedding Photographer
I jumped in a cab to their Bristol Registry Office wedding with Pete’s sister Anne, Turpin’s sister Sonia and their Best Lady, Emily. As Pete and Turpin arrived, we headed up the street to join their crowd of loved ones gathered outside and already creating a bit of a party atmosphere with a few tinned G&Ts ready to go!

Turpin walked in to the ceremony with his sister Sonia, followed by Pete arm in arm with his sister Anne. Their touching marriage ceremony was witnessed by just a few people before they were greeted outside with showers of rice and confetti! Seriously… SO MUCH rice and confetti!
Bristol Register Office is quite a busy place and Pete and Turpin’s friends and family really brought Corn Street to a standstill with their spectacular celebrations, even people passing by were clapping and cheering!
Cosy Club Wedding Reception
The party then moved down towards Cosy Club for lunch, with a quick detour for a photo with celebrity Simon Pegg, who happily congratulated the boys on their marriage.
Bristol Cosy Club is set in a Grade II listed building on Corn Street in the heart of the Old City area. With marble flooring and an incredible domed roof, it was the perfect place for a celebratory lunch and a few more drinks.

The newlyweds were greeted with a shot of Limoncello, before sitting down to a lovely meal at their Cosy Club wedding reception. I was welcomed to join them and their guests for lunch and felt such a close connection with them all as they shared memories and stories.

City Centre Wedding – Party Bus to ’99 Queens’
Pete and Turpin had arranged for a coach to take everyone from Cosy Club to 99 Queens in Clifton, for their evening reception. A huge tray of shots was lined up ready for them as they arrived – these guys really know how to party! One of their friends had also made an incredible cake, topped with a likeness of the one and only Betsy the Bulldog.

Secret chats were happening and plans were hastily made to surprise Pete and Turpin with a re-run of their walk down the aisle, so I snuck them away with their sisters, Anne and Sonia, for a few portraits in the beautiful evening sun. We wandered along Queen’s Road in Clifton, stopping for some hilarious photographs of them all enjoying the amazing fountains outside the Victoria Rooms.

Surprise Aisle Re-Run
While we’d been outside, all their friends had been briefed on what was about to happen. Pete and Turpin had only been able to have a few people to join them for their vows at Bristol Registry Office, so most hadn’t seen them walking down the aisle. We returned to their awesome guests cheering as the boys were walked down the aisle again by Sonia and Anne. This re-run had everyone in tears as they all celebrated.
You could feel the love in the room as their friends and family gave some really emotional speeches, celebrating their love and their journey whilst wishing them well on their adventures when they move to Spain. Then party time fully took hold, and everyone danced the night away on this balmy summer evening in the City.

Looking at these highlights I’m reminded of the atmosphere of the day, the love their friends clearly have for them and each other, and just how important these two are to everyone. Pete and Turpin, you certainly know how to party and I’m already packing my suitcase for Spain to visit you soon – line up the Limoncello shots!